Thursday, October 11, 2012

Healthcare Reform: The Employer Perspective

The UCLA Jonathan and Karin Fielding School of Public Health is pleased to host The Health Forum at UCLA (FSPH), a series of regularly scheduled free public programs featuring health leaders discussing critical issues in public health.
"Healthcare Reform: The Employer Perspective"
The Affordable Care Act has the potential to affect the health insurance choices and responsibilities of employers as healthcare coverage is expanded to include roughly 32 of the 54 million uninsured Americans. The implications of the reforms will vary depending on the employer's size. Some small businesses, which historically have faced multiple barriers to offering affordable health insurance to their employees, will now receive tax credits to assist in purchasing coverage, while larger employers will face new requirements to contribute to the cost of their employees' health insurance coverage. In this health forum we will discuss the impact of the Affordable Care Act on both small and large businesses.
When: Wednesday, October 24th, 6:00-8:00pm
            6:00-6:30pm: Coffee and Reception
            6:30-7:15pm: Panel Presentations
            7:15-8:00pm: Question and Answer Session
Where: Neuroscience Research Building Auditorium, UCLA 
             635 Charles E. Young Drive South, Los Angeles
Panelists include:
John Arensmeyer
Chief Executive Officer
Small Business Majority
Jim Scilacci
EVP, CFO & Treasurer
Edison International
Lucien Wulsin
Insure the Uninsured Project
Moderated by:
Amir Hemmat
President & CEO
To RSVP, please click HERE.
To forward this invitation to a friend or colleague, please click HERE.

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