Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Oral Health Topics in NHANES 2009-2010

In this post, we discuss some results related to oral health questionnaire for the most recent national data source NHANES 2009-2010. The oral health question were asked to those sampled subjects who are 30+ years old by the trained dentists. The reference page is http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/nhanes2009-2010/OHQ_F.htm. Data can be downloaded through: Oral Health (Data [XPT - 366 KB]) (April, 2012 last updated)

The data will represent 177,284,326 size in the population. The related oral health questions are,
Item LabelSAS Label
SEQNRespondent sequence number
OHQ835Do you think you might have gum disease?
OHQ845Rate the health of your teeth and gums
OHQ850Ever had treatment for gum disease?
OHQ855Any teeth became loose without an injury
OHQ860Ever been told of bone loss around teeth
OHQ865Noticed a tooth that doesn't look right
OHQ870How many days use dental floss/device
OHQ875Days used mouthwash for dental problem

SEQN exists for every data set. This is the unique ID for every subject. When using the data to represent the  National Statistics, we need the following variables from the demographic data,
WTINT2YRFull Sample 2 Year Interview Weight
WTMEC2YRFull Sample 2 Year MEC Exam Weight
SDMVPSUMasked Variance Pseudo-PSU
SDMVSTRAMasked Variance Pseudo-Stratum
 The difference between the two weights is whether you will use the MEC exam data. If you need to use that data, the weight should be WTMEC2YR because of the additional missing values in the MEC exam data. If only use the interview questions, we need to use the following macro,

%macro wtfreq(indata,var);
proc surveyfreq data=&indata nosummary missing; 
 tables &var;
strata SDMVSTRA;
cluster SDMVPSU;
weight WTINT2YR;
%mend wtfreq;

%wtfreq(indata, OHQ835);

Do you think you might have gum disease?
OHQ835 Frequency
Std Dev of
Wgt Freq
Std Err of
.  Missing 343 8325221 2196334 4.6960 1.3475
1 Yes 793 26011822 2366676 14.6724 0.7829
2 No 3977 140950470 9104115 79.5053 1.1760
7 Refused 1 20453 20453 0.0115 0.0114
9 Don't know 63 1976361 267363 1.1148 0.1587
Total 5177 177284326 10219592 100.000

The weighted frequency in the table represents the frequency in the population. In the above table, we can reach the conclusion that about 15% of the US population think why might have the gum disease.

Rate the health of your teeth and gums
OHQ845 Frequency
Std Dev of
Wgt Freq
Std Err of
. Missing 343 8325221 2196334 4.6960 1.3475
1 Excellent 545 22985973 2373436 12.9656 0.9643
2 Very good 922 39003006 2929386 22.0003 0.5978
3 Good 1719 61155864 4043994 34.4959 0.8821
4 Fair 1088 30471374 2057740 17.1879 0.7934
5 Poor 551 15177430 1455809 8.5611 0.5190
7 Refused 1 18371 18371 0.0104 0.0100
9 Don't know 8 147086 55579 0.0830 0.0317
Total 5177 177284326 10219592 100.000

We may reach the conclusion based on the above data like, nearly 8.6% of the population rate their health of teeth and gum as poor and only 35% rate them as excellent or very good.

You can make similar conclusion based on the below output form the data.
Ever had treatment for gum disease?
OHQ850 Frequency
Std Dev of
Wgt Freq
Std Err of
. Missing 343 8325221 2196334 4.6960 1.3475
1 Yes 1044 33739681 3079672 19.0314 1.5191
2 No 3769 134555226 9543820 75.8980 1.4850
7 Refused 1 18371 18371 0.0104 0.0100
9 Don't know 20 645827 226540 0.3643 0.1258
Total 5177 177284326 10219592 100.000

Any teeth became loose without an injury
OHQ855 Frequency
Std Dev of
Wgt Freq
Std Err of
. Missing 343 8325221 2196334 4.6960 1.3475
1 Yes 763 20719884 2078602 11.6874 0.8389
2 No 4067 148160937 9570586 83.5725 1.0564
9 Don't know 4 78285 22173 0.0442 0.0136
Total 5177 177284326 10219592 100.000

Ever been told of bone loss around teeth
OHQ860 Frequency Weighted
Std Dev of
Wgt Freq
Percent Std Err of
. Missing 343 8325221 2196334 4.6960 1.3475
1 Yes 542 19298087 1399093 10.8854 0.5542
2 No 4257 148736540 10048259 83.8972 1.4345
9 Don't know 35 924478 174418 0.5215 0.0849
Total 5177 177284326 10219592 100.000

Noticed a tooth that doesn't look right
OHQ865 Frequency Weighted
Std Dev of
Wgt Freq
Percent Std Err of
. Missing 343 8325221 2196334 4.6960 1.3475
1 Yes 778 20769060 1342029 11.7151 0.5357
2 No 4050 148083053 10084759 83.5286 1.2755
9 Don't know 6 106991 42415 0.0604 0.0242
Total 5177 177284326 10219592 100.000

How many days use dental floss/device of last 7 days
OHQ870 Frequency Weighted
Std Dev of
Wgt Freq
Percent Std Err of
. 343 8325221 2196334 4.6960 1.3475
0 1808 54076766 3593763 30.5028 1.1700
1 313 12490459 1134092 7.0454 0.6062
2 436 16727807 1164811 9.4356 0.5075
3 368 14448550 1459178 8.1499 0.5492
4 270 11047692 1258998 6.2316 0.4305
5 175 7549817 926752 4.2586 0.4287
6 62 2842765 369731 1.6035 0.2194
7 1395 49673858 4245024 28.0193 1.0970
77 4 50979 27228 0.0288 0.0148
99 3 50411 34112 0.0284 0.0191
Total 5177 177284326 10219592 100.000

Days used mouthwash for dental problem of last 7 days
OHQ875 Frequency Weighted
Std Dev of
Wgt Freq
Percent Std Err of
. 343 8325221 2196334 4.6960 1.3475
0 2109 79796493 6331924 45.0105 1.4097
1 197 7135899 701857 4.0251 0.4390
2 304 10222261 916427 5.7660 0.3767
3 282 8965504 987258 5.0571 0.4088
4 178 7018847 887664 3.9591 0.4123
5 97 3797136 567744 2.1418 0.3437
6 39 1591065 377335 0.8975 0.2086
7 1620 50190107 3809085 28.3105 1.3582
77 3 38978 24440 0.0220 0.0132
99 5 202815 108603 0.1144 0.0630
Total 5177 177284326 10219592 100.000

1 comment:

  1. Maintaining good oral habits is very important to oral health. Teeth, like other body parts, requires regular maintenance to stay clean and healthy. The best thing to do is to start developing healthy habits from a very young age. As the health of your teeth and gums is directly linked to your overall health. So it all depends on you that how you maintain this.
