Monday, August 13, 2012

ASA Fellow

The American Statistics Association fellow awards presented in the recent JSM at San Diego was updated by Robert Starbuck in the Amstat News, indicated some changes since 2004 (Link:

Figure 1. Counts of ASA Fellow awards given by employment sector since 2004
Figure 1. Counts of ASA Fellow awards given by employment sector since 2004

Figure 2. Percentages of Fellows awarded by employment sector relative to the percentages of ASA membership by sector
Figure 2. Percentages of Fellows awarded by employment sector relative to the percentages of ASA membership by sector

Figure 3. Percentages of successful ASA Fellows nominations by employment sector
Figure 3. Percentages of successful ASA Fellows nominations by employment sector

Figure 4. Current ASA members by gender
Figure 4. Current ASA members by gender

Figure 5. Percentages by gender of ASA Fellow awards in 2004–2012
Figure 5. Percentages by gender of ASA Fellow awards in 2004–2012

Figure 6. Percent of successful ASA Fellows nominations by gender
Figure 6. Percent of successful ASA Fellows nominations by gender

The ASA Fellow award is a significant recognition of contributions to the statistics profession, and one that should reflect the constituency of the ASA membership. If you or others you know are deserving of this award, please participate in and encourage others to participate in the award nomination process.

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