Friday, April 26, 2013

Prepare for the coming of Era of BIG DATA

“Big Data” is a popular topic that has been gaining attention from the high-performance computing niche of the information technology market. Big Data is an enormous amount of data from which it is extremely difficult to manage and glean information. Big Data provides both challenges and opportunities for quantitative analysts to develop improved predictive and descriptive models [1].

SAS launched SAS High-Performance Data Mining in December 2011 to enable you to analyze more data faster than ever before possible. Based on the SAS High-Performance Analytics model for distributed in-memory processing, SAS High-Performance Data Mining is delivered SAS software that uses Teradata or EMC Greenplum hardware. A subset of SAS High-Performance Analytics, SAS High-Performance Data Mining has truly revolutionized the model building and model-scoring processes. The massively parallel in-memory algorithms enable organizations to derive highly accurate and timely data mining models in minutes, not hours or days, to make better-informed business decisions [1].

SAS has developed many HP procedures, such as,

  • HPDMDB Summarize data
  • HPDS2 Parallel execution of DS2
  • HPFOREST Random forest
  • HPLOGISTIC Logistic regression
  • HPNEURAL Neural network modeling
  • HPNLIN Nonlinear regression
  • HPREDUCE Unsupervised variable selection
  • HPREG Regression
  • HPBIN Variable Binning
  • HPSAMPLE Sampling and data partitioning
  • HPIMPUTE Imputation
  • HPSEVERITY Severity models
  • HPCOUNTREG Regression of count variables
  • HPSUMMARY Summarize data
  • HPLMIXED Mixed linear models
  • HPATEST Test operational status of system

Hopefully, these procedures will be available in the late 2013, and will be available to academic field too.

1. A New Age of Data Mining in the High-Performance World

2. SAS workshop in UCLA.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

U.S. and California Pursue Coordinated Care for Dual Eligibles: What's Next for Cal-MediConnect?

You may always wonder what is the future for Dual Eligibles under the Affordable Care Act. Is it too good to be true or eventually doing harm to the benefits of Medicare benefits? We may seek answer from the series of lectures/seminars from the UCLA health forum on April 24, 2013.  

The UCLA Jonathan and Karin Fielding School of Public Health is pleased to host The Health Forum at UCLA (FSPH), a series of regularly scheduled free public programs featuring health leaders discussing critical issues in public health.

"U.S. and California Pursue Coordinated Care for Dual Eligibles:
What's Next for Cal-MediConnect?"
California has over 450,000 people eligible for both Medicare and Medi-Cal coverage, also known as "dual eligibles." Dual eligible beneficiaries face difficulties navigating a currently fragmented medical system to find the services they need to treat serious and chronic medical conditions. Recently, California received Federal approval for a three-year demonstration program, Cal-MediConnect, to improve coordinated health care delivery and quality of services to dual eligibles which will be integrated in eight counties, including Los Angeles County. In this health forum we will discuss what changes in health service delivery dual eligibles should expect to see in managed care plans and network delivery systems.
When: This Wednesday, April 24th, 6:00-8:00pm
            6:00-6:30pm: Coffee and Reception
            6:30-7:15pm: Panel Presentations
            7:15-8:00pm: Question and Answer Session
Where: Neuroscience Research Building Auditorium, UCLA 
             635 Charles E. Young Drive South, Los Angeles
Panelists include: 
Richard Chambers
Molina Healthcare of California
Hector Flores, MD
WWMC Family Medicine Residency Program
Jane Ogle
Deputy Director of Health Care Delivery Systems 
California Department of Health Care Services
Moderated by: 

Frank Matricardi, DrPH, MPH
Executive Healthcare Consulting
To RSVP, please click HERE.